Tapping into the positive energy of Nature of the gardens

Located in a peaceful serene environment by the side of Rathmalgaha Ela in Dambulla, North Central province of Sri Lanka

Our Story:

Mind Body and Soul is a small but passionate idea, created by a few and intimate group of friends, to offer visitors to Sri Lanka – an island of Serendipity and previously known as the `Pearl of the Indian Ocean’, an opportunity to stay in holiday homes or chalets owned by us, which are located in different parts of the country. We try to offer you – `The Traveller’, an exotic perspective of Sri Lanka in the way we would like you to experience and see it.

Since we come from multi cultural backgrounds and have lived overseas for many years and have travelled to many countries on work and holidays, we understand the value of sharing `local’ experiences – whether it be witnessing a natural wonder, experiencing a friendly gesture, making friends with those we possibly would generally never meet on our journey thru’ Life or beholding an awesome sunset or sunrise, which to us have been Moments of Truth, which truly defines the intrinsic value of the countries we visit.

Our primary aim is to offer you similar unique, friendly and similar experiences, which will hopefully remain with you – `The Traveller’ for a long time, to be treasured in a moment of quiet, when you are alone, safely back in the comfort of your own home.

We welcome the opportunity to meet Travellers like you, living in different parts of the world and to get to know you as friends and to open our holiday homes to you to share a local experience.

Our homes are comfortable and modern, as we understand the importance of comfort, elegance and cleanliness. We also strongly believe in being ethical and being fair and generous in transacting our business.

We are also extremely passionate about Mother Nature and hold a deep reverence for her endless beauty, bountiful harvests and for the wonders of her creations, which includes the flora and fauna of this land. Nature is something we live within and as a part of it. No essential separation: No transcendental dualism, No enlightment search for objectivity.

It’s Spiritual value calls for Reverence, Respect and Humility within our Mind, Body and Soul when determining our relationship with Nature.

Hence our credo for Mind Body and Soul [MBS] which is: `Fuelled by Nature’.

Our homes have lovely views of Nature and are generally not too far from the National Parks and places of beauty and interest which we invite you to experience, to appreciate the true beauty of Sri Lanka.

Our homes, which the interiors have been designed by ourselves, are equipped with western amenities including hot and cold showers, free Wi-Fi, great and attentive staff, with installed air conditioning in areas which are humid or warm. All our homes have a cozy ambience reminiscent of good times gone by.

Not For the Faint Hearted: Beware as we live in harmony with Nature, we have several of the local wildlife visiting us, most of whom we welcome and who are generally harmless though possibly unique and astonishing to our guests visiting us from the Western Hemisphere. To `The Traveller’, it is likely they possibly do not share such close encounters with some of these little creature including jungle insects as with some us who are used to living in the tropics. Please treat them respectfully as most of them mean no harm unless possibly provoked. However we also request that you do not feed them or encourage them to visit you as they may overstay their welcome.

Some of us have travelled many times around this beautiful country over the many years and still find this Island of ours truly absorbing. Sadly off course, our little island like what is happening all over the world, is being `consumed daily at an alarming rate, by the greed of the Human race’ but………… there is still much to see and discover whilst indulging in your travels `in around’ Dambulla, before all is lost.

Be Warned: Mind Body and Soul is ideal for `The Traveller’ who love Nature and seek solitude.

For Solitude in Nature allows Us to get to Know Ourselves better.

Solitude forces us to face ourselves, even the aspects we don’t like about ourselves. Without our usual fix of entertainment such as TV / access to social media and sometimes to internet [all of which we don’t have], many of us may feel alone. The quietude can release fears and self-doubts. It forces us to take responsibility of our thoughts and emotions and assists us learn to enjoy our own company. There is nobody but us to blame, for the way we feel within ourselves and with each other.

MBS whilst being away from the hustle and bustle of Dambulla City, is close enough to reach within a 30 min brisk walk or within 15 mins. by motorized transport.

MBS is certainly NOT recommended to `The Traveller’ who does not wish to be woken in the mornings by the melodious singing of birds welcoming another beautiful day or to those who are afraid of dark nights, which plays host to a myriad of stars which scintillate in the Ether’s capacious.

Our Final Wish

That you `The Traveller’ enjoy and take this opportunity to learn a little bit more about yourself, as we do each time we friends visit the private retreat of our Mind Body and Soul.