MIND BODY & SOUL: A place to heal for the weary souls

Mind, Body & Soul is a place to stay a few days to relax from the pressure of the corporate world, to search for your individual destiny and make resolutions of what could be done in our future journey through life.

Welcome to our secret and soak in the tranquility of Peace, Love and Happiness

So Welcome to this small piece of garden which has 4 different types of chalets which are different to each other in terms of floor plan and viewing pleasure. These chalets have been named after the main Chakra’s of the human body which `play’ an integral part in our existence and worship.


Vishuddha (The Throat Chakra): The chakra is placed at your throat which signifies the ability to speak personal truth, to be truthful to yourself and self-expression. 


Suadhisthana (Sacral Chakra): Located at the lower abdomen is your sacral area which is your emotional body, flexibility and flow.  Principle of pleasure, creativity and sensuality.


Ajna (Third Eye Chakra): Placed in the middle of the forehead signifies the ability to see beyond ordinary sight, centre of intuition and foresight


Muladhara (The Root Chakra): This chakra is at the base of the spine or the pelvis floor.  One of the most important chakras of our body, it signifies the stability of your life, the foundation, gives you the comfort of basic trust and sense and security.

Things To Do



Plant a tree